The American Red Cross

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Six Feet Under - The End

I know, about a week late. I was in mourning.

The final episode ever of Six Feet Under was absolutely amazing. The very end, showing all the deaths of the whole cast was genious. The best show ever ended as the best show ever. It couldn't have had a better ending!

I dressed in black on Monday. My wife cried for 2 days. It really had an impact with many people I spoke to...

The End!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Voter Suppression? Hmmm...

OK, so my cousin, well meaning but misguided democrat send me an email link to a news story about Bush and the RNC paying for the lawyer fees for a Bush official who is accused of election tampering. That link is here if you want to read it. I agree with Mike that WE shouldn't pay for this, unless he is found innocent. Does seem a little hypocritical.

BUT, now I have to share an email I received from the RNC Political Director Michael DuHaime!

August 11, 2005

Dear John,

I wrote to you in May about the lengths to which Democrats went in an attempt to influence the outcome of the 2004 elections, specifically, the Washington State Governor's race. Our Republican candidate, Dino Rossi, actually won the election, and then the recount, before then Democrat-controlled King County "found" 566 new votes just in time for a second recount, enough to overturn the results of Election Day and the first recount. The judge who presided over the court case that followed, actually said "this election may not be set aside simply because the number of fraudulent votes exceeds the margin of victory" when he issued his ruling against the Republican challenge.

Now, The American Center for Voting Rights Legislative Fund (ACVR Legislative Fund), a non-partisan, non-profit organization has released a new report documenting how thousands of Americans were disenfranchised during the 2004 elections because paid Democrat operatives were heavily involved in voter intimidation and suppression.

A few of examples include:

  • Coordinated efforts by certain "non-partisan" organizations to disrupt the election process in at least 12 states through voter registration fraud

  • Democrat operatives convicted for tire-slashing on GOP election day vans in Milwaukee

  • An Ohio court order stopping Democrat operatives from calling Republican voters telling them the wrong date for the election, and location for polling places

The report also indicated that the following were the top 5 "hot spots" in the nation for voter fraud:

1. Philadelphia, PA
2. Milwaukee, WI
3. Seattle, WA
4. St. Louis, MO/East St. Louis, IL
5. Cleveland, OH

We encourage you to view the ACVR report in it's entirety at and forward this to your friends and family.

Fight back today by calling talk radio and writing letters to the editor describing the Democrats' efforts to undermine American's voting system.


Michael DuHaime
RNC Political Director

Republican National Committee | 310 First Street, SE | Washington, DC 20003
p: 202.863.8500 | f: 202.863.8820 | e:

Paid for by the Republican National Committee Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate Committee -

© 2005 Republican National Committee

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Boston Legal Alert

In a world of war, famine, gay marriage, abortion, etc... We turn to the important stories!

BOSTON LEGAL IS BACK ON TV! Only on Tuesday Nights!

Of course I am being sarcastic before I get some ridiculous comments and emails...

However, BL is one of my favorite shows. It kind of just disappeared months back with no sign of what happened. Seemingly it was replaced with another great show, Grey's Anatomy! Although Grey's is great, it shouldn't replace Boston Legal... Find another slot for one of them! I know ABC wanted to have Desperate Housewives lead into these new shows... but they can hold their own... have one of them as a lead in to another show on another night...

What a year for ABC really. Extreme home makeover, Desperate Housewives, Grey's anatomy, Boston Legal, and that was only Sunday Nights... Looks like ABC is Back!

I know this is old news... but had to bring it up! BL is one of the funniest shows with serious undertones I have ever seen. That juxtaposition alone makes the show great. Give it a chance!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Rarely do I post those internet emails... but I thought this one inspiring enough to reprint...


I grew up in the 40s/50s with practical parents.
A mother, God love her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it.
She was the original recycle queen, before they had a Name for it...
A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones.

Their marriage was good, their dreams focused.
Their best friends lived barely a wave away.
I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat and
Mom in a house dress, lawn mower in one hand, and dish-towel in the other.
It was the time for fixing things.
A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress Things we keep.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy.
All that re-fixing, eating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful.
Waste meant affluence.
Throwing things away meant you knew there'd always be more.

But then my mother died,
and on that clear summer's night, in the warmth of the hospital room,
I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more.

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up
and goes away... never to return.
So... while we have it... it's best we love it.... and care for it...
and fix it when it's broken...... and heal it when it's sick.

This is true. for marriage..... and old cars.... and children with bad report cards.....
and dogs with bad hips.... and aging parents..... and grandparents.
We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.
Some things we keep. Like a best friend that moved away or a classmate we grew up with.

There are just some things that make life important,
like people we know who are special.....
and so, we keep them close!

I received this from someone who thinks I am a 'keeper',
so I've sent it to the people I think of in the same way..
Now it's your turn to send this to those people that are "keepers" in your life
Good friends are like stars.... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.

Keep them close!


1... God won't ask what kind of car you drove.
He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.

2... God won't ask the square footage of your house,
He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.

3... God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet,
He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.

4... God won't ask what your highest salary was.
He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.

5... God won't ask what your job title was.
He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.

6... God won't ask how many friends you had.
He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.

7... God won't ask in what neighbourhood you lived,
He'll ask how you treated your neighbours.

8... God won't ask about the colour of your skin,
He'll ask about the content of your character.

9... God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation.
He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.

10... God won't have to ask how many people you forwarded this to,
He already knows your decision.

Author Unknown

Monday, August 08, 2005

Six Feet Under - 2 Episodes Left!

Wow, not only was Nate's funeral a depressing episode, but I am starting to really feel sad about only have 2 episodes of this great show left. Finally the writing is getting back on track, the show is awesome, and the acting superb, yet the show will be gone. I think we need to have a funeral for the show!

That would be a great final episode party! A funeral theme...

OK, you are all invited, I am having one! August 21st...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

This needs no comment... it stands alone!

$104,655.60 Ad in the Washington Post

Here is someone with the money to fund a rebuttal to what Howard Dean, Democratic National Committee Chairman, said recently that many Republicans have never done an honest day's work in their life. The following full page ad was placed in the Washington Post by a businessman named George J. Esseff, Sr. He paid $104,655.60 to run the ad and only did it because he is sick and tired of the way that "the rich" are portrayed by liberals these days. It is a great read.

You're a Republican???

In today’s America, ask a growing number of high school and college students; their teachers and professors; the self-anointed media elite and/or hard working men and women of all ethnicities, the question, "What is a Republican?", and you'll be told ". . . a rich, greedy, egotistical individual, motivated only by money and the desire to accumulate more and more of it, at the expense of the environment . . . the working poor and all whom they exploit . . ."

I am a Republican . . . I am none of those things . . . and I don’t know any Republicans who are.

WHAT I AM . . . first and foremost, is a loving husband of some 52 plus years, the father of four and an American who's proud of his country. . . and his country's heritage.

WHAT I AM . . . is the grandson of immigrants who risked everything, including their lives and those of their children, to escape tyranny in search of freedom.

WHAT I AM . . . is a man who grew up during the Depression and witnessed, first hand, the effects of the Stock Market crash and the soup lines that followed. I watched as both my parents and grand parents, who had very little themselves, share what food they had with a half dozen other families, who had even less.

WHAT I AM . . . is someone who worked his way through college by holding down three and four jobs at a time and then used that education to build a better life.

WHAT I AM . . . is a husband who, at age 24, started his own business for the “privilege” of working 60, 70 and 80 hours a week, risking everything I had, including my health, in search of a better life for myself and my loved ones.

WHAT I AM . . . is a businessman whose blood, sweat and tears . . . and plenty of them . . . made it possible for me to provide a secure living, not only for my family and myself, but also for literally hundreds of my employees throughout the years. Employees, who in turn, were able to buy their own homes, raise their own families and give back to their communities and their country.

WHAT I AM . . . is a man who believes in God; a God who has blessed this country . . . and all for which it stands.

WHAT I AM . . . is someone who knows, if you doubt miracles exist in today’s world, you need only to look into the face of those who received them . . . and the eyes of those who give them.

WHAT I AM . . . is an American who's proud that his President embraces a belief in God; proud of a President who understands, as "politically incorrect" as it may be, there is evil in this world and for the security and safety of all freedom loving people everywhere, it must be confronted . . . and it must be defeated.

WHAT I AM . . . is an American who takes comfort in the knowledge that our President refuses to allow decisions concerning the very safety and security of this nation, to be governed by the political whims of foreign governments.

WHAT I AM . . . is tired of hearing from leading Democrats who see only negativity in America; racism in her people; class warfare in her society and "political incorrectness" in her character.

WHAT I AM . . . is a former democrat who now understands that it is the soldier and not the reporter that guarantees us our freedoms of press, speech and dissent.

WHAT I AM . . . is a man who believes in the sanctity of life. A man who is repulsed by the pandering of the political left for votes, at the expense of the unborn.

WHAT I AM . . . is a husband and father who believes in the sanctity of marriage and the preservation of the family unit.

WHAT I AM . . . is a movie go-er who is repulsed by those insecure, socially inept, elementary thinking, ego-inflated "entertainers" who have appointed themselves "experts" in the fields of national security and geo-politics and then use their forum to attack this nation, its leaders and its actions . . . much to the delight and encouragement of our enemies.

WHAT I AM . . . is an American who understands the difference between "censorship" and "choice". Evidently, these individuals do not, because when these same "celebrities" receive public ridicule for their offensive actions, the first thing they yell is "Censorship!". What they seem incapable of understanding is . . . the right of free speech and dissent is shared equally by those offended . . . as well as those who offend. I support and will continue to support those films and performers whom I choose to . . . and refuse to support those I don't. It is my right as an American . . . a right I will continue to enthusiastically exercise.

WHAT I AM . . . is a voter, tired of politicians, who, every time their voting records are subjected to public scrutiny, try to divert attention from their political and legislative failures by accusing their opponents of "attack ads" and "negative campaigning" . . . and the news media who allow them to get away with it.

WHAT I AM . . . is a Catholic who loves his God and his Faith . . . and who's been taught to respect all religions whose teachings are based in love, peace and charity. As such, I am embarrassed and ashamed of those individuals, in both private and public life, whose decisions and actions are devoid of any sense of character or morals; individuals who are only driven by what's best for them . . . rather than what's right . . . often times at the expense of many . . . including our national security.

WHAT I AM . . . is a realist who understands that the terrorist attack that murdered hundreds of innocent Russian children could have occurred here, in our heartland. That's why I sincerely believe America needs now, more than ever, a President who sees with a clear and focused vision and who speaks with a voice when heard by both friend and foe alike, is understood, respected and believed.

WHAT I AM . . . is eternally grateful to Ronald Reagan for having the bravery to speak out against Communism and the courage of his convictions in leading the fight to defeat it; and George W. Bush for the vision, courage, conviction and leadership he has shown in America's war on terrorism amidst both the constant and vicious, personal and political attacks both he and his family are made to endure.

WHAT I AM . . . is a human being, full of numerous faults and failures, but a man nonetheless, who, though not always successful, has continually strived to do "what's right" instead of "what's easy". A man who is challenging the religious leaders of all faiths, to not only preach to their congregations the fundamentals of "what's right" and "what's wrong", but to also then hold them accountable for their actions in both the public and private sectors.

WHAT I AM . . . is disgusted with the Courts who, on one hand, call the murder of a pregnant woman a "double homicide" but then refer to the abortion of her baby as, "pro-choice".

WHAT I AM . . . is someone deeply troubled by a political party which embraces a candidate whose primary "leadership" qualities center around his protesting of the Vietnam war and his labeling the honorable men and women who fought in it, (50,000 of whom gave their lives in that action), as rapists, and war criminals. That same political party then stepped forward this year to block the appearance of a true Vietnam war hero, retired Admiral and former United States Senator, Jeremiah Denton, (a man who spent seven years and seven torturous months in a North Vietnam prison), from speaking before an open session of the California legislature as part of that state's 4th of July celebration. The reason Democrats gave for refusing to allow this American hero to speak before their state legislature was because of the "conservative" nature of his views. As an American, that troubles me deeply . . . as well it should you.

WHAT I AM . . . is a man who feels the need to spend, $104,655.60 (tax paid) of his own money, to purchase this advertisement, in order to set the story straight. Some may say this money would have been better spent feeding the world's poor. At the risk of sounding self-serving, as an American and as a Republican, for the last six decades of my life, I have done exactly that . . . and more. Following the examples of my parents and grand parents, I have used my earnings to feed the poor, shelter the homeless, provide housing for the elderly and medical care for the sick . . . and continue to do so . . . and I'm not alone in that work.

WHAT I AM . . . is someone who is paying for this announcement, at my sole expense, in hopes of opening the eyes of those led blindly by ill-informed elements of our great nation, who, through either ignorance, or malicious intent, repeatedly attack and belittle those of us who belong to a political party that holds true to the belief, " . . . the rights of the governed, exceed the power of the government". For those interested, I am speaking only as a tax-paying individual who is in no way associated with The Republican National Committee, nor with any of its directors, or delegates.

WHAT I AM . . . is a man who understands, "the American way of life" is a message of self-empowerment for all.

WHAT I AM . . . is an American who is grateful that our nation gives each of us the opportunity of self-determination and the right to benefit from the fruits of self achievement.

WHAT I AM . . . is an American who wants to preserve that way of life for all who seek it.

WHAT I AM . . . is blessed to be an American . . . and proud to be Republican.

For a free reprint of this "Open Letter," go to


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Stem Cell Research

A couple of days late from the news... but if you see my posts, you will see I haven't been on in a while. Sorry fans! LOL


I understand the principles behind his reasoning. But I don't think I can agree! This isn't as cut and dry as he is making it out to be. I honestly don't know enough about it to comment properly so will do some research and post again at later time. But just know, I DO HAVE MY OWN BRAIN... LOL

Six Feet Under and TV

Well, I just watched the latest episode (60) of Six Feet Under. WOW!

Finally, a great episode!

Can someone tell me what is up with HBO? They have these great shows... (Soprano's, 6FU, etc...) then they screw them up. This show has been hit or miss for years. I keep with it because in general it is a great show. Maybe it just depends on the writer and director for that week? Not to mention the rediculous waits for each season.

I haven't watched the Soprano's in 2 years really. Last season not at all and the season before sporadically. If you watch season 1, then later seasons, they are like 2 different shows. Horrible!

Speaking of TV. I never watched Monk (USA Network) until a marathon was playing July 4th I think. Now I don't miss it. Another really good show and Monk (not sure of the actor's name, sorry) deserves an emmy every year!

Other than that, summer TV Sucks...

The American Red Cross