The American Red Cross

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Filibustering - hypocrite of the week award: Chuck Schumer

The obstructionist movement by the left is unbelievable, and has no merit according to the constitution when it comes to nominees. But aside from that, I can not tell you how many times I ran into someone on the left who during the election had an "anyone but Bush" attitude and couldn't even tell me who John Kerry was! But, they were voting for him. "Anyone but Bush" they would say.

Then I started meeting people who were actually made the countries economy was turning around. They didn't want Bush getting the credit. Now there is the difference. The Left will sacrifice us all for the sake of a vote. Unreal really!

Back in 2000, Clinton complained because the republicans didn't like one of his court appointees. He blamed the fact that the guy was Hispanic. First, this is a sad excuse. Bush has tried to appoint more minorities into high positions then any other president. The left are the ones who are now blocking those. No one is saying you should vote for and approve unqualified people. You don't like them, argue, and vote against them. But this filibuster thing is wrong. America voted, republicans are in the majority. If the constitution calls for a majority vote and not 2/3, so be it. Americans have spoken and elected those they wanted to represent them. We are a representative government.

This brings us to the Senior Senator from my home state of New York being my vote for hypocrite of the week!

Senator Schumer's Hypocritical Protest
Tracey Schmitt

"Senator Schumer's unequivocal support for Democratic efforts to filibuster qualified judicial nominees is nothing more than partisan politicking. When President Clinton sent a nominee to the Senate, Senator Schumer cited the Senate's Constitutional mandate, to provide a vote. It's disappointing that Senator Schumer's correct interpretation of the Constitution only applies when it suits his political agenda."

- Tracey Schmitt, Press Secretary

The Proof...


At Thursday, April 14, 2005 10:48:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren't the Republicans hypocrites for being angry at Schumer for doing the same thing they did in the past?

You could go back and forth forever trying to trace the hypocrisy on both sides.

The GOP controls the presidency, the senate and the house. Now they want to change the rules so they can install any judge they want too?

Senator McCain says preserving the right to filibuster is "important to the future of the country."

Almost alll these Congressmen/women are jerks. I think the only thing they've managed to move on was in response to Janet Jackson's boob. Typical considering most of them are boobs themselves.

By the way, when did the economy turn around? I must have missed it. Unless you mean it turned ALL the way around, and it's still heading in the same direction: South.

At Thursday, April 14, 2005 1:17:00 PM, Blogger John said...

No, Republicans rarely use the filibuster and I don't think ever in recent years for nominations of the president. They argue about the appointments, and vote no, but I don't think they filibuster nearly as often as the obstructionist left. Pundents from the right have seriously criticized the republican senators for not using it more actually.

Even Clinton says the republicans NEVER blocked his plans as harshly as the dems are doing today.

The left have no plans, only that they don't like the plans from the right. They feel the only way they can win again at this point is to not allow us to fix anything.

Yes, they are all hypocritical, and I will point it out.


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